Col. David J. Wright

Program Developer, Non-State Actor, Kentucky Colonel

Col. David J. Wright

Goodwill Ambassador, Kentucky Colonel, Author, Conservationist, Philosopher, Philanthropist, Problemsmith, Researcher, Theobromatologist, Tea Master, Ecological Engineer, Shaman, Idealist, Human Rights Advocate, Protector of Indigenous Nations and Historian. Admitted by the US District Court as a Kentucky Colonel in the defense of the rights of the Kentucky Colonel in title and name.


Honorable David J. Wright is one of several of the first-generation founders of Globcal International and the creative administrative force behind the decentralization and autonomy of the cooperative organization as a non-state network for international public figures, civil service officers and international organization employees engaged in missions as independent goodwill ambassadors, SDGs advocates and global citizens. He recently returned to his post as the chief executive officer (legal presiding official) of Globcal International for a seven year term beginning in 2018-2025.

Environmental Activist turned Globalist

Col. David J. Wright is best-known for his activities in the United States as a conservationist and organizer of environmental awareness events that he organized from 1990 through 2000. During this time he was commissioned a goodwill ambassador for the Commonwealth of Kentucky under Governor Paul Patton, with the honorable title of Kentucky Colonel in 1996. 

In 2000 while separating from his first spouse he decided to move to Venezuela where he found his skills in negotiation and mention of being a colonel made him the best choice for the city of Caracas to procure educational and institutional collaborations from corporations in the Sister Cities agenda so he became an Ambassador-At-Large for the Alcaldia of Caracas for two years.

When the political climate over the control of the city government changed its temperature the Colonel left his job as a goodwill ambassador to work as a strategist and consultant in the private sector becoming engaged in the importation of industrial machinery, vehicles and other surplus personal property which he purchased from the General Services Administration (GSA), Public Surplus, and the Department of Defense (DoD) in the United States.

After several years of success and hard work the Ambassador discovered the emerging social media developments and began to network leading to his interest and development of an organization that provides special diplomatic services to others who depend on the recognition of their deeds and the benefits of working with the title of ambassador. Once he identified a small group of interested similar network connections with several others he led the founding of the Model United Nations Social Network Embassy which was reformed to become Globcal International in 2009, the international organization we know today.

David J. Wright waving among a crowd of other people at Earth Day clean up event.
D. Jeffrey Wright on West 4th Street in Wilmington, Delaware at one of more than 50 events organized by his Delaware Earth Day Society, on April 22, 1990. Photo by Mike Gallagher, Earth Day Public Relations Director

Captain of the Flagship

The Colonel remains at the helm of command in the organization as its field marshal, chancellor, executive director and chargé d'affaires. In 2015 he began to spread out his powers as by giving up the presidency and moving the operations office to Vienna for the final stages of a previous reformation. The strategy placed Hon. Djordje Marinkovic as the interim president during the restructuring process who was conveniently located in Budapest close enough to our developing office site in Vienna, Austria to execute diplomatic portfolios and keep our good offices.

In 2017 Ambassador Wright declared a state-of-emergency removing the traditional corporate hierarchy to make the organization more horizontal, decentralize, and become more cooperative using the blockchain. During the declared state which was supported by the majority of the executive council he removed the positions of president and vice-president replacing them with official diplomatic titles to create a more resilient and less austere infrastructure. 

Over 30 Years Protecting the Environment

If you count his experience with Earth Day in 1990 and the work he performed saving chelonians in 1987 and 1988 with the Endangered Turtle Protection Foundation, Col. David Wright has over 30 years of credible experience with environmental and ecological program development. He currently lives in South America and is the founder of an ecological intentional community in the Northern Amazon. Since he began his work is responsible for literally 10 million of the trees that cover the North American landscape in the United States and Canada from public service programs he developed with Ecology Crossroads during the 1990s. 

The Ambassador is working on a new program he is developing that capacitates indigenous tribal members with international authority under the United Nations to protect important global ecological reserves across the Amazon, if successful his accomplishment will guarantee enough resources to stave off climate change indefinitely.

To work with Ambassador Wright on projects such as these join us at Globcal International as a goodwill ambassador, SDG advocate or global citizen.

Newspaper article with photo of 2 persons.
D. Jeffrey Wright and Michael S. Gallagher preparing the 20th Anniversary of Earth Day in 1990. News-Journal

South American Mission (Expatriatism)

Ambassador Wright always wanted to live in South America and began living there in 2004 full-time when he migrated to Venezuela, despite being deported by xenophobic politics in 2014 he returned in 2016 to his family which he began there in 2001. Today he lives in the Amazon in the Orinoco River watershed working with the indigenous native chiefs of several tribes on natural capital conservation projects and socioeconomic development of cooperative agroforestry business. Most recently he began to develop a protectorate for the indigenous Piaroa in a program he registered with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Platform is being collaborated by the Central University of Venezuela and his organization in North America which he recently had reinstated called Ecology Crossroads.

Read more about Ambassador Col. David J. Wright here on this website including some biographical information, discover some of his personal interests, find out how to contact him, learn more about his personal business ventures or join him as a global citizen and cooperative member of Globcal International. Use the links in the navigation section of this page.